Phoebe And The Mean Girls

Phoebe And The Mean Girls

| By :  Aulia, Valdine, Aya (8I - Madania School) |

One day in Hawkins high school there was a group of mean girls, just like the other high school. And if you know there is always one new girl that gets bullied by them, and that’s me, I'm Phoebe. Yeah, as you know the first days of high school as a new student are one of the hardest things that you could go through in school life. So like I said before, my first day of school was terrible. And you know what? They cracked eggs onto my head and yelled at me.

Stop Bullying

Honestly, I'm not comfortable with their behavior towards me,  but I am just trying to go through it. Because in my mind maybe these are the consequences of being a new student. So based on my experience, don't even try to be a new student and don't have a group of friends, cause it would be terrible if you’re not. And if you're strong enough in high school please don’t bully your other friend because it can traumatize them. By the way, there were a lot of things that they did to me, and there’s so much to tell.

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